Wetland Delineation Support for Natural Gas Operations
Delineation of jurisdictional wetlands on over 50 natural gas development sites in support of
operational permitting activities. To allow rapid response in site planning, a standardized field
inspection and reporting procedure was developed to screen sites for the presence or
absence of regulated wetlands and to coordinate mapping for sites where wetlands were
present. Delineations were conducted under all weather conditions and in the presence of
active gas well development activities.
Sustainable Water Management for a Changing WorldSM
Representative Wetland Services
Quarry Expansion Wetland Delineation
Delineation of jurisdictional wetlands on a 255 acre aggregate quarry site in support of a
PADEP mining permit expansion and 105/404 Individual Permit. The site involved complex
systems of natural groundwater expressions and historic mine drainage controls, with natural
gas pipeline development along one side. Special attention was given to identifying a
minimum impact corridor for a spoil haul road crossing a wetland valley. Existing stream
channels were also delineated for normal flow and bank-full extent.
Electric Utility Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring
Design and monitoring of created wetlands as mitigation for a fly ash disposal landfill
expansion at a coal-fired power plant. A series of shallow terraces were constructed to
intercept local groundwater and surface runoff, with a blended organic substrate and wood
chip spreading zone installed to assure rich growth and hydraulic spreading. Under PADEP
permit conditions, success monitoring is being conducted over a five year period, including an
intensive vegetative survey during the second growing season.
Residential Development Delineation and Mitigation
Jurisdictional wetland delineation, impact permitting, and mitigation planning for a mixed
townhouse and single family development site on 37 acres. This project s being constructed
on a historic coal mine site which includes several deep mine discharges that have developed
wetland fringes. To maximize development area and reduce costs, permitting negotiations
with the Corps of Engineers allowed the mitigation areas to be constructed as water features
within the project open space, including landscaped meandering channels, ponds, and